How to convert Office Word (.doc, .docx) to PDF file?

At work, we need to convert Office Word (.doc, .docx) documents into PDF documents. In order to send an email to a customer or business partner.
how can I quickly convert these Office Word documents into PDF files?

The following functions provided by SanPDF for converting PDF files are expected to help you.

Before you start, you need to open the browser input URL: This page is a Word online converter provided by SanPDF. The steps are as follows:

  • The first step is to enter the converter’s URL in the browser and open the converter’s page.
  • In the second step, click the “Choose File” button and select the Office Word document you want to convert.
  • The third step, after selecting the file to be converted, the “Start Conversion” button will appear. Click this button to start converting the Office Word document into a PDF file. At this point, you may have to wait a moment.
  • Step 4 Congratulations! The conversion was successful. Click the “Download File” button to download the converted PDF document.